Want to take in some great art? Check out the work of Darrell Underschultz at Masters Gallery in Mission. I consider myself a modernist and gravitate towards more unusual contemporary pieces but his work in undeniably superb. The following artist statement was taken from Masters Gallery website.

Darrell Underschultz

Artist Statement:
All of my work is acrylic on canvas. The paintings are built up of thin washes of color, opaque at first and then transparent near the end. The transparent washes intensify the color and build depth. Most pieces have up to 50 washes or layers. The work is delicately sanded between layers to produce an ultra smooth surface. The washes create a very matte, velvety surface that can be either varnished or left as is. I have always been inspired by classic landscape paintings of the 17th and 18th centuries. For me, these works set the standard for how I view landscape paintings today. I am trying to marry a romanticized past with my contemporary vision. I believe that I learned to paint the way that I do because of a desire to figure out how it was done in the past. With my work, I want to create a sense of awe and beauty, but with a darker sensibility. I am not too concerned with capturing naturalistic impressions of nature, but rather with capturing a mood or a feeling. I want to create an emotional reflection of what I see in a sunrise, sunset, or a tree or a cloud. Dark romanticism is what I keep in mind when working. The relationship between what lurks in the shadows and what is visible in the light is what I find fascinating.

2115 - 4th St. S.W. Calgary, AB T2S 1W8