Holy Mackanolie! Is time flying by for you too? I desperately need it to slowwwww down a bit!
I'm no where near getting any holiday decorating done. Been much to busy with other things...such as....
The pink glittery ones are for a custom order, nursery rhymes with soft pink glittery edges.
It came out soooo pretty!
I also had a custom order (via email) for a christmas and a new year banner, hence the silver glitter florettes.
The sheet music is Auld Lang Syne. (how appropriate ha!)
One side, Joyeux Noel and the other, Bonne Annee. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to snap a photo before I shipped it off, but I do have pictures of this one to share.....
I just listed it on in my Etsy shop. I will be offering a few more, in french and english versions...
Not enought time so I'm only making a few, so grab em while I got em ha!
While I was at it, I made up another adorable banner...I can't show all of it because the customer hasn't received it yet (it's a surprise)...
I really wanted to do all white and silver for this holiday, but mama wants a tree and traditional holiday decor. What mama wants, mama gets! ha! She's 84, she's entitled to call the shots.
This is as far as I got yesterday.
Now I need to change my vision of white and silver to more traditional colors for the mantel. c'est la vie
I've seen so many lovely decorations going on in the blogosphere! I am so jealous you clever people got an early jump on it!
So tell me, whose's been naught and who's been nice? ha!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
If I don't get a chance to see you til next year, I'm sending you big hugs and smoochies and wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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