Blogshop Review : The Lollipop House

Hey there!

The Lollipop House is a blogshop that sells a variety of environmental friendly products! Their moto - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

For all you girls and guys out there, this is your chance to take a part in saving out planet earth! Come on and join this motion to buy environmental friendly products!

Check out some of their items!

Lacey Little Mice Fabric NoteBook Cover
(Spice up your notebook by buying this cover! Wrapping papers begone! You can use this cover FOREVER haha)

Ombre Gray FLoral Fabric NoteBook Cover
(They also sell this floral printing cover! Perfect for all you gals out there!)

(And look! There's also space to put in cards ^.^)

Medium Earth Tone Zebra Hobo
(This earthy bag here is pretty!)

Tribal Star - Teal
(Now this is the sort of bangle we absolutely love! We're digging the star. Reminds us of starry starry nights hehe)

Check out more of their items at :