Use your window smarts

How to choose among PVC, fibreglass, wood and aluminum
By Paula McCooey, Ottawa Citizen;
Canwest News Service
February 27, 2010

Location may be real estate's best friend, but the view is the home's soulmate. Windows frame our vision of the outside world. As more people are looking for the best possible perspective, they are also hunting for smart ways to increase the value of their homes.

Windows are a good starting point.

Newer, bigger, wider, taller, more efficient windows are a hot upgrade for homeowners. Now there are more options than ever.

Architect Christopher Simmonds works on the premise that, aside from providing shelter, a house is primarily a place to experience nature from within.

"For me, windows are all important. So when we are designing a house, we are always thinking, what are the views trying to capture? Is it a tall tree? Is it a horizon? And how wide should we take the window to capture the view (but) screen out what we don't want to see, like the side of a neighbour's house or the road."

In the past, windows were the weakest link in the home, says Simmonds, who has crafted a reputation for connecting inside and outside spaces by using a lot of glass.

In the early years, when log cabins were the house of choice, people built small windows for structural reasons and because they let in the cold.

Technologies have vastly improved and many Canadians are attracted to a Mediterranean concept of living with lots of light.

"There is such a desire to open up to the outside to create this integration," says Simmonds. "Fortunately, we have the technology to go along with it."

It's common to see triple-glazed windows with low-e coatings and argon gas, says the architect. "The thermal performance of these windows is significantly better, three or four times better, than windows used to be 25 or 30 years ago."

Window company owner Bob Milne has also seen a lot of changes in the past 20 years, with owners of older homes and those building new homes looking for the best windows to stop drafts, resist mould and rot and provide added security.

Typically, they choose from four types of frames that carry their own strengths and weaknesses.

PVC windows

PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, are well suited for buyers looking for extremely low maintenance. These windows require no painting.

"You don't have to paint against weather stripping," says Milne, adding the frames come in trendy colours. "You don't have to paint against handles or cranks. You just clean your windows."

Milne notes one of the downsides to PVC is its tendency to expand. So why would you want it?

"PVC is the most economical product on the market right now," says Milne. "So say windows are $10,000 in PVC, they may be $14,000 in fibreglass."

Given PVC is extremely cost-efficient, they are the current industry standard -- which is why most companies that make the cranks and the hardware for window companies are designing them mostly for vinyl windows.


Fibreglass has been around for years, but it's still a relatively small player in the world of windows. Its big advantage is that it expands very little, allowing the caulking to outlast other installations.

"Fibreglass does not expand any differently than glass," says Milne. "It's made of glass. It's glass fibres."

People concerned about having the highest energy efficiency will search out fibreglass products. But they come with a higher price tag, and there are some limitations: It's hard to get them made into circular shapes and curves.


Wood is the original window frame material, but these days it's usually used for high-end jobs and comes with regular maintenance. In areas with weather extremes, it's hard to keep paint on a wooden window. They usually have aluminum cladding outside and wood on the inside.

"Some people forget the wood and then let it go," says Milne. "Then it peels inside and it's not as good a look as the vinyl window. They are not great in this climate."


Aluminum has been widely used in highrises for its strength and longevity, which is of utmost importance when dealing with high winds several floors up. They are light, strong, low-maintenance and easily formed into complex shapes. However, they conduct the cold. Milne says aluminum expands, too. "It's less than vinyl, but more than wood or fibreglass."


Value for your window dollar

Costs vary from the picture window, which is the cheapest, to a double operating casement, in which the two windows both crank out.

Most customers are looking for Energy Star products, which can range from double pane up to quadruple pane for enhanced thermal efficiency, with heat-reflective coating.

The best way to check a manufacturer's rating while shopping around is by visiting

Windows with argon gas help insulate against sound, heat and cold. And heat-reflecting coating, or low-emissivity (low-e), is applied to the inside surface of one or more panes to prevent heat from escaping.

Some low-e versions also helps protect against ultraviolet light, which can damage furnishings.

Chris Danko, manager of a window warehouse, suggests that if a customer wants the windows installed by a reputable company, then double the price of the window and add about 15 per cent.

Danko's most popular window product is vinyl. He says a 72-by 60-inch vinyl picture window is $495 wholesale; single, side sliders are $504.75. A double operating encasement, where both windows crank outward, are $741.46 and are the most efficient.

"The casement and awning windows have a better energy rating overall in the frame," says Danko, adding that sliding versions are less structural and technically less efficient.

"You are getting better insulation in the frame, and there is less air/water filtration because they are a tighter seal with the modern versions.

"It's not like the old-fashioned ones that wouldn't shut all the way, the wood warps and the hardware is the pits. There's more to the frame."

The crank style is the most popular, however, they are also the most expensive. If people are building new and are in a budget struggle, they are usually going to try to put the casements on the front face of the house for increased resale value.