I pass by Masters Gallery in Mission on my way into and out of Downtown daily and the above piece caught my eye earlier this week. The artist is David Thauberger. I can see this piece hanging in a great converted warehouse loft. Check it out live in person; the digital viewing is only a partial experience.

The following website was taken from the Masters Gallery Website

David Thauberger R.C.A.
The first thing that catches your eye in a gallery exhibiting the work of David Thauberger is the sheer colour of it. The second thing is its clearness and precision. A closer look is like zooming in to see places usually shown from farther away within the context of the prairie horizon. Thauberger gives us a new perspective of architectural subjects in small prairie towns through his own unique filter of memory and experience. The result is a powerful statement of place, culture and history that dominates not only in its execution, but also in its strength.