Check out the Phonofone II by Science + Sons. Most ipod stereos tend to be boring and unimpressive so this product is not only an extremely welcome change but also something to put on display, not hidden away like my current one. Also available in black and quite a bit more expensive that your off the shelf player but in my eyes, a worthy price to pay.

Taken From Science + Sons Website:

Why-fi?Patent pending
Through passive amplification alone, These unique pieces instantly transform any personal music player + earbuds into a sculptural audio console.
Without the use of external power or batteries, the Phonofone inventively exploits the virtues of horn acoustics to boost the audio output of standard earphones to up to 55 decibles* (or roughly the maximum volume of laptop speakers)
Upon connecting active earphones to the Phonofone their trebly buzzing is instantly and profoundly transformed into a warm, rich and resonant sound.

The Phonofone is constructed entirely from ceramic. Not only environmentally low impact, ceramics are inherently rigid and resonant, lending themselves well to this application.