A Romantic Bedroom for Valentine’s Day

Romantic bedroom decor is an important part of Valentine’s Day. After all, who doesn’t want a clean, calm, lovely oasis in which to end the evening?
Well, there’s no need to check into a hotel. There are ways to make your own bedroom more romantic. The key is to start with a clean, uncluttered space and then add romance on top. Here are some tips on how to spice up the bedroom for Valentine’s Day:
First, the basics:
1. Clean the bedroom. Vacuum, hang clothes, dust blinds, polish wood, etc.
2. Remove clutter. Shove it in the closet if you have to, just get it out of sight.
3. Change the bedding. Clean sheets are a must.
4. Remove the TV. Cover it or take it out of the room. There is nothing less romantic than an ugly TV.
5. Hide Family Photos. As much as we all love our relatives, no one needs to look at their faces during romantic time.
Okay, the room is clean. Now it’s time to consider the extras:
1. New Bedding. If you are planning to get a new duvet or sheets for the bed, Valentine’s Day is a good time to inaugurate them.
2. Candles. Candles equal instant romance. You don’t need that many, either. One or two does the trick. If you like scented candles, only burn one at a time so it isn’t overwhelming.
3. White Christmas Lights. Use them as lighting by weaving them on the bed frame or along the ceiling or anywhere that would add a sense of romance. Here’s an example from furniture for small spaces:
4. Extra Pillows. By putting all the pillows in the house on the bed, you get a look of luxury and excess. Use similar pillowcases for a sense of uniformity. Alternately, splurge for some new throw pillows or make them.
5. Canopy. You can rig a canopy over the bed for increased intimacy.
A romantic bedroom
6. Flowers. To tell the truth, I’m not a fan of putting rose petals on the bed because they are annoying to clean up afterwards, but I would be remiss not to mention it. Alternately, you can just put some flowers in vases by the bed. The more the merrier in this case.
That’s all I have. The rest is up to you.