Why Canadians were ranked fourth-hardest working in world
Canwest News Service
Wednesday, Jun. 23, 2010

Is a looming project deadline keeping you from going camping with the family? You're not alone.

Forbes magazine recently ranked Canada the fourth hardest-working country in the world, and Expedia's latest vacation-deprivation survey found 24% of employed Canadians did not take all of their vacation days in 2009 and 42% of respondents reported feeling vacation deprived, up from 33% in 2008.

While you may be worried about job security, or perhaps are too overwhelmed by your workload, experts say vacation time is critical to long-term health and happiness.

Taking regular vacations is key to avoiding burnout. "It's a chance to recharge your batteries, get some rest physically and mentally," says Edmonton psychologist Nancy Hurst. "It's also good for strengthening relationships."