Resale pace soars in Calgary
Northwest leads city in terms of sales
By Josh Skapin
Calgary Herald March 10, 2012

Sales of single-family resale homes climbed 11 per cent in February compared to the same month last year, says the Calgary Real Estate Board.

The city saw 1,284 single-family homes change hands last month, up from 1,169 last year, says the board.

The largest increase came in homes priced $500,000 to $549,000, with sales in this range soaring from 65 in February 2011 to 106 last month.

Zone A - which roughly consists of northwest Calgary - led the city in sales last month, with 465 homes changing hands.

The zone also led the city in resale activity in January, but with only 271 transactions.

Tuscany led Zone A with 40 sales of single-family homes in February at an average price of $504,347.

At 1,128 homes, Zone A also led the way in inventory last month.

Calgary's slowest resale activity last month was in Zone B - which roughly corresponds to northeast Calgary - which finished the month with only 164 sales.

At $293,714, Zone B also finished with the lowest average single-family resale price.

The lowest average resale price in the zone was $195,333 in Dover, which ended the month with three sales.

At $589.106, Zone C - which roughly covers southwest Calgary - had the highest average single-family resale price among the four zones.

Within Zone C, Bel Aire had the highest average resale price at $ 2.1 million for one sale.

Zone D, which roughly consists of southeast Calgary, was third in average resale price at $422,582.